Senin, 10 Maret 2008

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Make Money with Google Adsense


You’ve probably heard a lot about Google AdSense, but you may not know just what it is. Well, for one thing, it’s a one of the hottest new ways to earn money online without having to do a whole lot.

If you’ve read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” you know that passive income is the best kind of income to have. Passive income is money you earn without having to work for it. I know this may sound like some kind of “pie in the sky” get-rich-quick scheme, but passive income is for real. In fact, every single billionaire on earth uses the power of passive income to keep money coming in while he or she jets off to parties and resorts and such.

Well, Google Adsense is the online equivalent of that. You’ll have to invest just a little bit of time in learning about it, but once you get it set up you can look forward to seeing those nice checks roll in. Or, if you’re totally online, seeing money flow into your PayPal account.

So Just What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is a fast and absolutely ridiculously easy way for people with websites of all types and sizes to put up and display relevant Google ads on the content pages of their site and earn money. Because the Google AdSense ads relate to what your visitors came to your site to read about, or because the ads match up to the interests and characteristics of the kind of people your content attracts, you now have a way to improve your content pages AND earn serious money off of them.

Google AdSense is also a way for site owners to provide Google search capability to visitors and to earn even more money by putting Google ads on the search results pages. Google AdSense gives you the ability to earn advertising revenue from every single page on your website—with a minimal investment of your time.

So what kind of ads do you have to put up? That’s the good part—you don’t have to decide. Google does it for you. AdSense always delivers relevant ads that are precisely targeted—on a page-by-page basis—to the content that people find on your site. For example, if you have a page that tells the story of your pet fish, Google will send you ads for that site that are for pet stores, fish food, fish bowls, aquariums…you get the picture - and you earn money.

If you decide you want to add a Google search box to your site, then AdSense will deliver relevant ads targeted to the Google search results pages that your visitors’ search request generated - and you earn money.

Pay To Read Email

Disclaimer: This is one of a series of articles which contain my personal opinions, based upon my own experiences, about various money-making programs. You may have had difference experiences which give you different opinions.

The paid-to-read-email programs seemed like a good idea at the time. The theory is simple. Advertisers need to send out emails to people, and they do not want to send spam. People want to make a little extra cash, and receiving a few emails once in a while appears to be a small price to pay. It all appeared to be a good exchange. Receive some emails, get some cash.

These programs were never really anywhere near as popular as the pay-to-surf programs, although they are closely related. Perhaps people in general just didn't want to receive advertising emails, perhaps the payouts were too small, or perhaps the companies just didn't advertise as much as the pay-to-surf firms. Whatever the reason, I never saw very many of these programs being advertised.

I did sign up for six different programs. I had basically the same experience with all of them.

At first I was excited. Yeah, it didn't seem like I would get much money, but hey, an extra $10 per month per program, well, that would add up pretty fast. All I had to do was look at a few hundred emails per month, and I'd make some money. Oh, was I naive!

I signed up and waited and waited and waited. This was odd, I was not getting any emails from any of the programs. Nothing, not a darn thing.

After a few months an email or two trickled into my inbox. I scanned each email, quickly determined that I was not interested in the product being offered and deleted it. After a while I had read a few dozen of them from each company.

Well, that probably didn't make me a lot of money, but I decided to check my accounts anyway.

All six accounts registered zero. Nada. Nothing. Not a single penny.

This was very odd. I had indeed read some emails, so I should have made some money. Perhaps I was doing something wrong?

I re-read the instructions and soon found that I not only had to read the emails ... I had to click on a link and visit a web site. I read a little closer and learned that I would get an entire penny for this privilege. One stupid little penny!

I quickly added it up and realized how stupid this type of program truly is. In order to make a single dollar, I had to read 100 emails and visit 100 web sites. With a couple of timing tests (I am very thorough) I quickly realized that to perform this task would require over an hour ... an hour's worth of work to make a dollar!

I could make more money flipping burgers.

Once I had this stunning (and late) realization, I quickly removed myself from all of the programs. As I said, worthless.

Pay To Surf

Pay To Surf

Disclaimer: This is one of a series of articles which contain my personal opinions, based upon my own experiences, about various money-making programs. You may have had difference experiences which give you different opinions.

All right, I admit it. Eighteen months ago (in the later part of 1999) I had high hopes for these programs. I read about AllAdvantage and the similar money-making schemes and I was hooked. I signed up for ALL of them (over 100 programs) and proceeded to wait for the checks to roll in. And I waited and waited and ...

At the tail end of 1999 I was desperate for money. In June of 1999 my wife Claudia spent five days in the hospital in a coma, and the recovery from this required many long, hard months. On top of this, she had very bad asthma, and we found a program which required large amounts of vitamins - very expensive vitamins. This worked exceptionally well, but they were not cheap.

I was actively searching for ways to get as much cash as I could, and the internet seemed to offer the perfect opportunity to make some extra cash. I looked at every possible legal and ethical way to make money from the internet - and pay-to-surf seemed like a golden opportunity.

I know you understand the concept. Sign up for a program, load a view bar of some kind on your system, and look at advertisements. Generally, the program only paid when you were actually surfing the internet or clicking in some program. This was obviously because a banner is worse than useless if no one sees it.

The way to make real money from these programs is to build up a huge downline. The larger the better. You see, you make a few pennies an hour for your own viewing, but you also make a few more pennies for each hour anyone in your downline views ads. Thus, the idea was to get everyone you could to join up and start viewing ads.

Well, I solved my money problems very nicely, thank you very much, and it had nothing to do with any of these pay-to-surf programs. In total, I managed to get a whopping $95 from every program combined in a period of 18 months! Offset this with almost an equal amount spent on joining Maxref and a similar program, and you can see that I didn't make much at all.

I am not really upset, as I learned an incredible amount about what not to do to make money. Before I started on my long adventure eighteen months ago I was naive and wet behind the ears regarding scams, uh, programs of this kind. Now I am much more skeptical and extremely questioning about anything like this.

In fact, this evening I decided to cancel my membership in every single program. They are not making any money for me, and they are generating extreme amounts of silly emails promoting their useless schemes.

So let me sum up the pros to joining any type of pay-to-surf programs:

And now let me sum up the cons:

* Uses up part of your screen for banner ads
* Interferes with normal typing and editing
* Uses bandwidth
* Encourages spamming in spite of how well their terms and conditions are written.
* Wastes internet resources on useless endeavors
* Uses up your bandwidth to display advertisements you don't need or want.
* Sends tons of promotional emails to choke your in-basket
* If you advertise these on your website, makes you appear to be an amateur
* Referral URLs in emails will often trigger spam traps and cause ISP spam reports to be submitted.
* And worst of all, a distraction for money making opportunities which are real and which do exist.

My basic advice - ignore the hype from these programs and put your efforts into creating a better website and promoting a product which is actually useful. There are many affiliate programs which do work and are honest - search them out, buy their product and learn to sell them. You have a much better chance of getting a return on your investment.

Is Pay-To-Surf Worth The Time?

I don't know about you, but I got more than a little interested a couple of years ago when the "pay-to-surf", "pay-to-read-email" and other similar companies started appearing everywhere. I know that you've at least heard of these things, and I'll bet that most of you signed up for at least one of them. In fact, many people signed up for dozens and dozens.

You know what I'm talking about, don't you? The concept was simple ... companies pay money for banner advertising. Someone had a bright idea (it seems to have started with AllAdvantage but there may have been some company earlier) - why not split that money with the targets of the advertising?

So what they did is create a "bar" about an inch high and the width of the screen. In this bar the idea was to display a banner ad. Periodically the banner was changed. In addition, the bar was smart enough to observe the sites that you visited, thus enabling them to predict which kinds of ads would be of value to you. This allowed the pay-to-surf companies to charge more for advertising, since in theory the ads were more likely to be of interest to their audience.

At first glance this seemed like a great idea. I mean, you earn say fifty cents an hour to look at advertisements while you surf the internet. You won't make much, but it could at least pay for your connect time! And then a new wrinkle appeared ...

That's referrals. You see, the pay-to-surf companies MUST get new web surfers using their service fast. They need to attract advertisers, and to do that they need huge audiences. So what they did is come up with a great pyramid scheme (I know they will object to that terminology, but that's that's the simple truth) - you get, say fifty cents an hour for your time, plus perhaps a dime an hour for anyone you sign up, and perhaps seven cents for anyone they sign up and so on.

So now you could theoretically make some real money. Sign up a few hundred (or thousand) friends and relatives, and watch those checks roll in.

So what was the problem? One big problem that started right away was cheating. It soon became obvious to anyone that you could sign up multiple accounts, set up bars on multiple computers, create programs to pretend to be surfing and do any number of other things to artificially inflate the numbers. This played havoc with the pay-to-surf companies, because it caused the "click-through" ratio to drop. This means the ad might be displayed a thousand times, but it's only valuable if it's actually clicked. Since robots were doing the viewing, the ads were not clicked and ... they became useless.

This resulted in full and open warfare between the cheaters and the pay-to-surf companies. Sometimes you would see your bar updated three or four times a week with new versions, modified to protect against some new trick or technique.

Another problem was spam. A year ago it was literally impossible to visit a newsgroup without viewing thousands and thousands of pay-to-surf advertisements. God did I get tired of these stupid little useless emails all saying the exact same thing - click here and join up for ...

The spam got so bad that newsgroup robots were created to automatically delete any message with certain keywords common to this type of email.

Many people were also disturbed by the fact that these bars typically kept a record of surfing habits. Think about it for a minute - do you really want a database of every site that you've ever visited kept? Even if the pay-to-surf companies don't keep a record but just build a profile - it's still more than a little alarming. They could easily peg you as "a middle-aged male, smoker (visits smoking related sites), reads or at least buys books (visits Amazon.Com), watches movies (visits films sites), loves Star Trek (visits a lot of those sites) and other similar statistics. Do you really want people to know this about you?

The thing that delivered the final nail to the coffin of pay-to-surf programs was the complete failure of banner ads to deliver sales. You see, what happened during the year 2000 is people got tired of banner ads. Nobody likes them anymore and no on wants them. In fact, everyone that I know has software to remove them automatically from web pages.

So the click-through rate dropped from 2% to 5% down to under 1%. This meant that banner ads needed to cost less, because it took more of them to make a sale. Which in turn forced the pay-to-surf companies to reduce their pay-outs. And that made the desirability of the bar even less.

People hated the bars. They were ugly, they interfered with the screen, and they interrupted typing. On top of that, when many people began getting the checks they found they were receiving a few dollars, perhaps even as much as $10, and they began to think "why am I doing this?"

The pay-to-read-email programs were even worse, because in most programs you actually were required to click on a hyperlink to get paid a mere penny or even less in some cases. This means you might have to not only read a hundred emails to earn a lousy buck, but you actually had to visit a hundred web sites. Who wants to do that for such a small return?

Pay-to-surf never delivered on it's promise, because it was based upon lies and tricks. They are pyramid schemes, similar to the many of the equally dishonest and untruthful MLM programs. These schemes, like all others of their type, benefit those who get in quick and near the top of the pyramid, and those at the bottom wind up doing all of the work. Which is why virtually all of them fail eventually - unless they can keep finding new suckers ... uh, applicants to feed the higher levels.

You want some evidence of these rather harsh statements? Okay. A very well known MLM program just proudly announced they had just cracked the 650,000 member mark. Sounds good so far. They also very proudly said they had just paid out $450,000 to those people.

Um, I hate to tell ya'll this, but that averages less than a dollar a person.

And of course you know that most of the people didn't receive a dime. Why not? Because the people at the top of the pyramid are the one's who made a killing. The people who actually do the work didn't get very much at all.

What would I recommend? Delete all those bars from your system. Take the ads off your web sites. Remove yourself from the programs. If you have one that you particularly like and it's paying, then by all means stay. Then join up for honest money - programs like and webseed. These offer money (not a fortune, to be sure) in return for your work. And that's an honest dollar.

Internet Banking Account

Open FREE Internet banking accounts to receive payment.

Generally, the Internet trades in US dollars wherever you are in the world and payment through an online service is a more economic way of exchanging dollars to your local currency than paying in a cheque to your bank. Many affiliate programs require you to have an online account from one of the major services so it is prudent to join them all. You can also pay on line for services like web site hosting and purchases at auctions for instance. They are free to join.

Join PayPal here, one of the biggest. You will need to give credit card details - see here.
Liberty Reserve is becoming more popular and is funded from your bank or credit card by agents.
SolidTrustPay is very popular and very secure and also can be funded by plastic once verified.
AlertPay easy to fund from a credit card.
E-Bullion is easier to fund than e-gold and is in common use.
E-gold is another popular payment service, especially with investment programs, though more difficult to fund.
Your new e-gold account can be funded using the following agents:-
AutoCambist is very efficient at transfering money between e-currency accounts in seconds. Use the exchange box above. - accepts credit cards - bank wire transfer - accepts credit cards

Make Money with Internet

Ways to make money on the Internet.

I'm talking small, but real money to start with - not the ' $1000+ in a week ' scams.

First, you need some 'tools'.
An 'always online' connection to the Internet.
A dedicated credit card for the Internet.
Open FREE Internet banking accounts to receive payment.
Dedicated email addresses.

Second, you need some income.

High yield investment programs (HYIP) return high yields on your investment but are also high risk and of limited duration. Get in early with a sum you can afford to loose and earn 20% daily for a few days or 2% daily for a few weeks/months. Most use 'e-currency' so you will need to open free accounts here... To help in deciding which programs to invest in and when to pull out I have kept the statistics of several current sites and also of sites that have closed. This is a very volatile market but can be very profitable and exciting.
No programs to recommend just now.


Trickle income, like these sites below, build up a bank balance, give you confidence and earn you some funds to invest in HYIP programs.

Bux-To has been going for some time. Bookmark your log-in page and check your account daily for ads to click on, wait 30 seconds and earn a cent each time. Pays out to PayPal every $10 reached. You can upgrade your account by purchasing referrals. Wait for the ad to load and then watch the 30 second timer count down. If you open two ads at the same time you will be paid for none of them. Be fair to the advertisers. I have been paid by Bux-To.

MyLot is a great program for people who like to chat and earn a few dollars a day at the same time! The range of subjects is enormous and from all over the world. Upload pictures from your computer, list your passions and other features. But beware - this program can become infectious!! Payment is by PayPal so you will need to get a free PayPal account . If you can't get PayPal in your country then they will pay by e-Gold . I have been paid 10 times by MyLot.

BlueBayptr is a great PTS ( paid to search ), PTC ( paid to click ) PTJ (paid to join or sign up) and PTR ( paid to read ) program and, unlike some, has a low payout threshold of $2. This amount can be quickly reached by joining other programs from the Paid to Signup section, searching on links in your Inbox and clicking on banners in the Paid to Click area. I earn about $7 a month on my own searches. Payment is by PayPal so you will need to get a free PayPal account. If you don't do proper searches (see below) then you will not be sent many paid links.

Clix4Coins has now changed it's earning method and I can't recommend it at present. Joe, the owner, says it will get better in a few months time. I will wait and see if it survives that long.

Here is a tutorial on how to make a valid search . It will take longer than the 40 seconds shown to finish loading three pages but if the advertiser doesn't get paid, you wont get the links in the future.

Rpoints is aimed at UK/Euro surfers comparing prices of goods.
An example of how Rpoints worked to save me 36% off my UK car insurance is here...
Just to show that you can save money and make money using Rpoints.
I also received £20 (2,000 points) cashback for opening an Egg credit card. It really works!.
You can buy almost anything at the best retail price and then get an added discount with Rpoints. Go to 'easy points' then 'recurring' where comparing prices with Kelkoo and others earns about 2p to 6p a click up to a max of about £1 a day. Rpoints are ultra-cautious about awarding points. They take days to check, then credit, your points and then a month or more to validate them before you can cash in. A good forum explains all this. But, once the ball is rolling and you're clicking every day, the cash rolls into PayPal at £5 minimum a time and in £sterling too so you can have dollar and sterling PayPal accounts to save on exchange rates.

Higher Payouts.

Normally I avoid very high payout programs where it sometimes takes a year to reach the minimum by which time the site may have vanished!

You WILL get paid with these programs; about $35 to $50 a month for just these programs and there are dozens more to choose from. Join up, add to your favourites or put an icon on your desktop by dragging on a links page for each program and visit the sites at intervals through the day and earn a bit each time. It soon adds up.


  1. Right click on the log-in page for each program and save a shortcut link to your desktop, or, Add to your Favourites in a new folder, named Daily, for instance. Much easier to remember your daily earning sites by double clicking on the icons or links.
  2. Write the address and log-in details for each site in the back of your diary. It is easy to forget your user name and password and you can continue to earn money on another PC when away from home.
  3. Get into the habit of regular visits. Most sites will cancel your account if you don't make use of it and any money earned will be lost.
Third, make a web site of your own and get advertisers on it.

The final group of earning programs can be placed on your own web site.
First you need a website with content interesting enough to attract visitors.
Think of a subject that you know a lot about - you, your family, your job, your hobby - whatever it is, focus on it and provide detailed information; facts, figures. Try to make your web site the definitive source of information on your chosen subject.

With a web site designed you need a domain name and a hosting service. It is like an address to the house where your web site lives. I use Easily to buy my domain names and Cirtex to host them, both companies give excellent service and support.

Promote your website using the points earned from working the PTS, PTR and PTC you joined above in section two.

Once you have a web site with solid content you have a 'product' to sell. Many of the top programs will not accept you as an affiliate unless you have a web site of substance.

The star payer is Google AdSense. They pay for clicks and pay very well and cleverly match their ads to the content of your page. They are choosey about the sites that can join and demand a reasonable standard of content. Sign up for AdSense. here. If you have a busy website you will earn good money with AdSense.

A good affiliate scheme is TradeDoubler . where you can join up for free to any of dozens of schemes under one 'roof' . All affiliate schemes have a minimum payout limit of around $50 so grouping schemes together as with TradeDoubler . [aimed at European web sites] and Commission Junction [aimed at North America but covering the world] means that you can get a cheque earlier.

Lots of companies would love you to join them as an affiliate and will pay you a commission when your visitors buy some of their products. It makes sense to join up with companies compatible with your site. Amazon sell a lot more than just books now and pay 5% to 7.5% commission by targeting specific books with a link from your site.

Bravenet has a lot of free goodies to add to your web site to attract more visitors and can help in setting up and hosting a web site with a free domain name. They also offer 50mb of free space on their servers to store your password protected back-up files and sensitive data. A well respected site of long standing..

Slide or Glide In ads are the latest medium and build income fast from your web site. I use GlideNetwork. The small ad windows load onto your page for 15 seconds and then automatically disappear. Rates vary but pay for CPC and CPM with a payout limit of >$5.00 to Paypal. Not affected by popup killers as yet so impressions are good.

Pop-under windows are better selling tools than banners and will pay you up to $1.80/1000 impressions. This is the best you will get on the net and they pay monthly without fail. Popup killer browsers have changed the market so they only supply pop-unders but with anti-killer code that works with the major browsers. A busy site will still earn more than the $25 minimum for a cheque to be sent each month. They are now open to international affilliates and pop-under earnings.

Banner advertisements, love 'em or hate 'em, are part of the Net. Place these standard sized banners from AdBrite on your page and earn up to $1/1000 impressions depending on validity of visitor. Note that these are impressions or CPM rates, your visitor just has to see them, they do not have to click on the ads or buy anything. That is why the rates are lower than ' pay per click ' banners.
AdBrite pay out monthly by cheque for earnings over $10 and pay me regularly.

Remember, these are all free to join; you have no outgoings other than your normal internet connection which you have anyway. To be perfectly frank, the only downside to these deals is that it takes up your time to organise the links, and your browser and/or web site will run a bit slower while advertising banners load.

Summary: Ways to make, earn or get money on the Internet with free to join search and survey web sites, affiliate schemes, referral linked sites, pay to search - PTS, pay to surf, pay to click - PTC pay to read emails - PTR and PTP - pay to promote. Web site tools like exchange banners, pop up windows and glide in or slide in ads. How to make a website pay, buy a domain name and hosting a web site.